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noobs VR logo text distressed grey

virtual reality group games


cover your eyes... you've gotta see thisâ„¢

definition of noobs VR redlands, ca noun  ('nübzz)
informal; properly improper


plural: noobsez - or, less commonly: noobsi

: an entertainment attraction in the inland empire, southern california where people looking for something fun to do can bring their date, their friends, their family, their co-workers, and/or their next door neighbor "bob" & don a VR headset atop their head - thus embarking on an adventure where they may battle zombies, conquer an escape room, clash with pirates, and/or blast each other in laser tag - all while they walk together through a real-world space & experiencing a completely different one that feels real... but is totally fake. and totally awesome.
: (*may or may not include*) one identified as a 'newbie' - one whose participation and interactions display a lack of skill or knowledge (like neighbor bob...)  i.e. prior experience not required.



my third grade teacher who probably should have made me repeat a year before entering into the fourth grade is obviously now thinking to herself as she reads this otherwise engaging segment that "these/this noobs is/are still out here making run-on sentences and has/have thrown out capitalization rules out the window and i am here just questioning my effectiveness as a teacher and wonder if i should have just followed my dream of being an opera singer instead of wasting my time with kids who just don't want to learn."

see 'about us' for more

 this unique fun group activity in VR is a 'must do' experience!
noobs does escape rooms, zombie games, laser tag, birthday parties & more!


hours of operation:   by appointment only!   visit our booking page to see available timeslots


a purple version of the noobs VR logo.  property of noobs LLC, a virtual reality group gaming experience provider in redlands, ca - easily accessible from fontana, ontario, san bernardino, yucapia, highland, loma linda, riverside, palm springs, grand terrace, victorville, ontario, rancho cucamonga, and all inland empire cities in southern california.
a blue version of the noobs VR logo.  property of noobs LLC, a virtual reality group gaming experience provider in redlands, ca - easily accessible from fontana, ontario, san bernardino, yucapia, highland, loma linda, riverside, palm springs, grand terrace, victorville, ontario, rancho cucamonga, and all inland empire cities in southern california.

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